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You will need a Feedburner account, see Get started with Feedburnerand a Twitter account. There are 5 steps to set up Feedburner to send tweets:
  1. Login to Feedburner
  2. Your Feed > Publicize > Socialize
  3. Add your Twitter account
  4. Review the Formatting options. We recommend including a link and adding some additional text at the beginning, e.g. “Blog post: “
  5. Activate the service (Activate button at bottom)
Statistics - Feedburner uses the Google URL shortener service to add links to your auto-tweets.  On you can see how many times these links have been clicked on.

Twitterfeed: an alternative to Feedburner

If you’re not using Feedburner, Twitterfeed is a good alternative with some advantages. However it is (anecdotally) less reliable.
You can send updates to multiple Twitter accounts and you can also use it to send updates from other RSS feeds.

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